Download high-quality and well-structured Bpharm 1st-Semester notes in pdf format. The notes are in easy language and easy to remember covering all the topics of the syllabus.
Unit 3
Pharmacy and therapeutic committee :
Organization, functions, Policies of the pharmacy and therapeutic committee in including drugs into formulary, inpatient and outpatient prescription, automatic stop order, and emergency drug list preparation.
Drug information services :
Drug and Poison information centre, Sources of drug information, Computerised services, and storage and retrieval of information.
Patient Counselling :
Definition of patient counseling; steps involved in patient counseling, and Special cases that require the pharmacist
Education and training program in the hospital :
Role of pharmacist in the education and training program, Internal and external training program, Services to the nursing homes/clinics, Code of ethics for community pharmacy, and Role of pharmacist in the interdepartmental communication and community health education.
Prescribed medication order and communication skills :
Prescribed medication order- interpretation and legal requirements, and Communication skills- communication with prescribers and patients.
Unit 3

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