Download high-quality and well-structured Bpharm 1st-Semester notes in pdf format. The notes are in easy language and easy to remember covering all the topics of the syllabus.
Unit 2
Drug distribution system in a hospital :
Dispensing of drugs to inpatients, types of drug distribution systems, charging policy and labelling, Dispensing of drugs to ambulatory patients, and Dispensing of controlled drugs.
Hospital formulary :
Definition, contents of hospital formulary, Differentiation of hospital formulary and Drug list, preparation and revision, and addition and deletion of drug from hospital formulary.
Therapeutic drug monitoring :
Need for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Factors to be considered during the Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, and Indian scenario for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring.
Medication adherence :
Causes of medication non-adherence, pharmacist role in the medication adherence, and monitoring of patient medication adherence.
Patient medication history interview :
Need for the patient medication history interview, medication interview forms.
Community pharmacy management :
Financial, materials, staff, and infrastructure requirements
Unit 2

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