Free Download Quality Control and Standardization of Herbals Notes in pdf – Bpharm 8th Semester. High quality and Standard Notes.
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In this post you can download notes of Quality Control and Standardization of Herbals (BP806ET). All units are available to download for free.
Quality Control and Standardization of Herbals Notes Unit 1 – 5
UNIT – 1
Basic tests for drugs – Pharmaceutical substances, Medicinal plants materials and dosage forms, WHO guidelines for quality control of herbal drugs, Evaluation of commercial crude drugs intended for use
UNIT – 2
Quality assurance in herbal drug industry of cGMP, GAP, GMP and GLP in
traditional system of medicine, WHO Guidelines on current good manufacturing Practices (cGMP) for Herbal Medicines, WHO Guidelines on GACP for Medicinal Plants.
UNIT – 3
EU and ICH guidelines for quality control of herbal drugs.
Research Guidelines for Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Herbal Medicines
UNIT – 4
Stability testing of herbal medicines.Application of various chromatographic techniques in standardization of herbal products.
Preparation of documents for new drug application and export registration
GMP requirements and Drugs & Cosmetics Act provisions.
UNIT – 5
Regulatory requirements for herbal medicines.
WHO guidelines on safety monitoring of herbal medicines in pharmacovigilance systems Comparison of various Herbal Pharmacopoeias.
Role of chemical and biological markers in standardization of herbal products
Bpharm 8th Semester Notes
Biostatistics & Research Methodology
Pharmaceutical Regulatory Science
Quality Control & Standardization of Herbals
Pharmacological Screening Methods
Advanced Instrumentation Techniques
Dietary Supplements & Neutraceuticals
Pharmaceutical Product Development
Scope of Quality Control and Standardization of Herbals
In this subject the student learns about the various methods and guidelines for
evaluation and standardization of herbs and herbal drugs. The subject also provides an opportunity for the student to learn cGMP, GAP and GLP in traditional system of
Objectives of Quality Control and Standardization of Herbals
Upon completion of the subject student shall be able to;
- know WHO guidelines for quality control of herbal drugs
- know Quality assurance in herbal drug industry
- know the regulatory approval process and their registration in Indian and
international markets - appreciate EU and ICH guidelines for quality control of herbal drugs