Free Download Advanced Instrumentation Techniques Notes in pdf – Bpharm 8th Semester. High quality and Standard Notes.
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In this post you can download notes of Advanced Instrumentation Techniques (BP811ET). All units are available to download for free.
Advanced Instrumentation Techniques Notes
UNIT – 1
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy
Principles of H-NMR and C-NMR, chemical shift, factors affecting chemical shift, coupling constant, Spin – spin coupling, relaxation, instrumentation and applications
Mass Spectrometry– Principles, Fragmentation, Ionization techniques – Electron impact, chemical ionization, MALDI, FAB, Analyzers-Time of flight and Quadrupole, instrumentation, applications
UNIT – 2
Thermal Methods of Analysis: Principles, instrumentation and applications of ThermogravimetricAnalysis (TGA), Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
X-Ray Diffraction Methods: Origin of X-rays, basic aspects of crystals, X-ray Crystallography, rotating crystal technique, single crystal diffraction,powder diffraction, structural elucidation and applications.
UNIT – 3
Calibration and validation-as per ICH and USFDA guidelines
Calibration of following Instruments
Electronic balance, UV-Visible spectrophotometer, IR spectrophotometer, Fluorimeter, Flame Photometer, HPLC and GC
UNIT – 4
Radio immune assay: Importance, various components, Principle, different methods, Limitation and Applications of Radio immuno assay
Extraction techniques: General principle and procedure involved in the solid phase extraction and liquid-liquid extraction
UNIT – 5
Hyphenated techniques-LC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS, HPTLC-MS.
Bpharm 8th Semester Notes
Biostatistics & Research Methodology
Pharmaceutical Regulatory Science
Quality Control & Standardization of Herbals
Pharmacological Screening Methods
Advanced Instrumentation Techniques
Dietary Supplements & Neutraceuticals
Pharmaceutical Product Development
Scope of Advanced Instrumentation Techniques
This subject deals with the application of instrumental methods in qualitative and quantitative analysis of drugs. This subject is designed to impart advanced knowledge on the principles and instrumentation of spectroscopic and chromatographic hyphenated techniques. This also emphasizes on theoretical and practical knowledge on modern analytical instruments that are used for drug testing.