Download high-quality and well-structured Bpharm 5th-Semester notes in pdf format. The notes are in easy language and easy to remember covering all the topics of the syllabus.
Unit 4
Study of Salient Features of Drugs and Magic Remedies Act and its
rules: Objectives, Definitions, Prohibition of certain advertisements, Classes of
Exempted advertisements, Offences and Penalties
Prevention of Cruelty to animals Act-1960: Objectives, Definitions, Institutional
Animal Ethics Committee, CPCSEA guidelines for Breeding and Stocking of
Animals, Performance of Experiments, Transfer and acquisition of animals for
experiment, Records, Power to suspend or revoke registration, Offences and Penalties
National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority: Drugs Price Control Order (DPCO)- 2013. Objectives, Definitions, Sale prices of bulk drugs, Retail price of formulations,
Retail price and ceiling price of scheduled formulations, National List of Essential
Medicines (NLEM).
Unit 4

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