Free Download Biostatistics and Research Methodology Notes in pdf – Bpharm 8th Semester. High quality, well-structured and Standard Notes.
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In this post you can download notes of Biostatistics and Research Methodology (BP801T). All units are available to download for free.
Biostatistics and Research Methodology Notes Unit 1 – 5
UNIT – 1
Introduction, Measures of central tendency, Measures of dispersion, Correlation
UNIT – 2
Regression, Probability, Parametric test
UNIT – 3
Non Parametric tests, Introduction to Research, Graphs, Designing the methodology
UNIT – 4
Blocking and confounding, Regression modeling, Introduction to Practical components of Industrial and Clinical Trials Problems
UNIT – 5
Design and Analysis of experiments, Factorial Design, Response Surface methodology
Scope of Biostatistics and Research Methodology:
To understand the applications of Biostatics in Pharmacy. This subject deals with descriptive statistics, Graphics, Correlation, Regression, logistic regression Probability theory, Sampling technique, Parametric tests, Non Parametric tests, ANOVA,
Introduction to Design of Experiments, Phases of Clinical trials and Observational and Experimental studies, SPSS, R and MINITAB statistical software’s, analyzing the statistical data using Excel.
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yes, pharmdbm provide high quality and well structure notes which is helpful for college exams and GPAT also.